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Avail of AIF & PMS services

Are you looking to grow your money by investing in securities beyond mutual funds? Well, look no further than Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and Portfolio Management Services (PMS).
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What is PMS

What Is Portfolio Management (PMS)?

Portfolio Management Services are provided by wealth management companies for high-net-worth individuals looking to take on additional risks and generate better returns than the market. The SEBI-mandated minimum investment requirement for these services is 50 lakhs. Under PMS, a portfolio manager acts on behalf of the investor and invests capital in listed securities such as stocks, fixed-income securities, and other structured products with the aim of generating high returns. These are personalized services where investors can track their portfolio, its performance, risk exposure, and so on. It is a great way for HNIs to generate alpha returns on their capital, in the long run, using the expertise of professional money managers.

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  • Investment portfolio management involves building and overseeing a selection of assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash that meet the long-term financial goals and risk tolerance of an investor.

  • Active portfolio management requires strategically buying and selling stocks and other assets in an effort to beat the performance of the broader market.

  • Passive portfolio management seeks to match the returns of the market by mimicking the makeup of an index or indexes.

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What is AIF

What are Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)?

Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) pool money from sophisticated private investors. Funds collected are invested according to the investment policy of the AIF. The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s mutual fund regulations doesn’t govern AIFs. However, AIF in India has its regulation, Regulation 2 (1) (b) of the Regulation Act, 2012 of SEBI. An AIF in India can be established as a company, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), corporate body, or trust.

Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) focus on non-traditional assets, such as private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, and angel funds. The Securities and Exchange Board of India categorizes AIFs into three groups: Category I, Category II, and Category III, each with distinct investment types. AIFs generally require higher minimum investments and fees compared to conventional investments, and they tend to be illiquid, as they are accessible to limited investors. Additionally, AIFs have lower transaction costs and offer less public information and advertising opportunities.

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The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) categorizes Alternative Investment Funds into three broad categories. Investors can choose to register in any of the following three categories.

  • Category I AIF:

    Investment portfolio management involves building and overseeing a selection of assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash that meet the long-term financial goals and risk tolerance of an investor.

  • Category II AIF:

    Active portfolio management requires strategically buying and selling stocks and other assets in an effort to beat the performance of the broader market.

  • Category III AIF:

    Passive portfolio management seeks to match the returns of the market by mimicking the makeup of an index or indexes.

Taxation Rules for AIF in India

Before discussing the taxation rules on AIFs, it is imperative you know the factors impacting it. There are two of them:

  • Your AIF taxation will depend on and vary with each category. Simply put, Categories I, II, and III are all taxed differently.

  • The legal form of the AIF will also dictate the tax rules surrounding it. And SEBI allows AIFs only in the form of a company, trust, or limited liability partnership.

Tax implications on AIF (category-wise)

Since the categories are different with different investment vehicles, the tax implications are also different for each of them. Let’s see the tax implication for each of them –
For CAT I & CAT II, there is a pass-through status. Tax pass-through status means that the income or loss (other than business income) generated by the fund will be taxed at the hands of the investor and not by the fund business. So, if you invest in these two categories of the AIF, then you need to pay capital gain tax on the profit or loss you make from the fund within a given duration. The duration here is important to understand whether long-term capital gain tax or short-term capital gain tax would be applied. As per the recent s rules for LTCG, 20% is the rate of tax with indexation benefit. If the profits are taxed as STCG, then the rate would be 15%. There are surcharges and cess charges on and above the mentioned tax rates as well. Any income (except business income) distributed by the investment fund is not liable for DDT and TDS of 10% has to be deducted by the investment fund.
This category of funds is taxable at the fund level. This has no pass-through status. The highest rate of tax (as per the current tax slab) is charged on the profit made by this fund.

A Category III AIF pays tax on the following four types of income:

• Short-term capital gains
• Long-term capital gains
• Business income
• Dividend income

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PMS or AIF ?

Comparison of PMS & AIF

Both AIFs and PMS are great investment options for HNIs to diversify their portfolios and earn higher long-term returns on their capital, albeit at higher risk. As a part of our offering, we provide access to various AIFs and PMS avenues. We believe a careful allocation in them by investors can expand the horizon and provide the right diversification and reduce volatility. We have tie-ups with various product developers suited to the investor's needs.

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Which is better?

While AIF gives the investor an avenue to pool in funds with the flexibility to invest in derivatives, listed & unlisted equity shares, real estate, hedge funds, etc.; PMS permits the investor to actively monitor its personalized portfolio to track developments and maximize returns.

Why choose us

Since both AIFs and PMS are high-risk, high-reward instruments, it is crucial to have an excellent management team. If you wish to invest in AIFs or PMS, get exceptional financial guidance and nurture your wealth by becoming a smart investor with us.

If you are looking to invest in any category of Alternate Investment Fund and Is Portfolio Management , you will need professional help. Reach out to KS Finoleg Services and allow us to curate financial solutions around AIFs and PMS that maximize your personal or business wealth.

Get to know more!

Seamless Investment Process:

Enjoy a straightforward and efficient investment experience with minimal paperwork and quick execution.

Tailored Investment Strategies:

Benefit from personalized portfolio management solutions designed to align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Informed Insights and Expertise:

Receive guidance from experienced professionals who provide valuable market insights and strategic recommendations to optimize your investment portfolio.

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